Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Gary Steuer, Philadelphia's Chief Cultural Officer, to headline Arts Build Communities Cultural Planning Conference

Arts Build Communities is pleased to announce that Gary P. Steuer, Philadelphia's Chief Cultural Officer and Director of the city's Office of Arts, Culture and Creative Economy, will be the keynote speaker at the upcoming ABC Cultural Planning Leadership Conference.

The conference, at Rutgers University in New Brunswick on February 11, from 9 am to 4 pm, will focus on building, growing and sustaining creative communities.  Participants will learn from the success stories of community and cultural leaders, and explore ideas for their own communities in workshops.

Gary Steuer has headed Philadelphia’s Office of Arts, Culture and the Creative Economy since 2008. The Office’s charge is increasing the public’s access to and awareness of the arts, arts education and cultural opportunities and activities, coordinating the efforts of City agencies and cultural institutions, and promoting public and private investment in the creative economy sector.

As Chief Cultural Officer, he serves as a member of the Mayor’s Cabinet, advising the Mayor and all City agencies on cultural and creative economy issues. Before joining the Nutter administration, Mr. Steuer was the Vice President for Private-Sector Affairs at Americans for the Arts, and had the additional title of Executive Director of the Art and Business Council of Americans for the Arts. He was responsible for leading efforts to stimulate more private sector support for the arts, including promoting partnerships between the arts and business sectors. Mr. Steuer served for ten years as the President and CEO of the Arts & Business Council Inc. before and during its merger with Americans for the Arts. Earlier in his career he was a theatre producer, both in the commercial and nonprofit theatre, served as a program director for the New York State Council on the Arts, and was an aide to a United States Congressman. He has written, lectured and taught extensively on arts management and policy issues and has served on many boards of directors and funding and advisory panels for local, statewide and national organizations. 

Learn more about or register for the conference

To read Gary Steuer's blog, go to

Arts Build Communities (ABC) helps community and cultural leaders make better decisions in connecting the arts and community and economic development.   ABC is produced by the Professional Development Institute of Rutgers University's Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy.


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