Wednesday, May 2, 2012

ABC strives to make creative placemaking part of New Jersey state policy

New Jersey is working on a new State Plan to guide development and redevelopment throughout the state.  In early 2012, a draft was circulated for public comment.  While it had many good elements, the Arts Build Communities Board was concerned that there was no mention of the arts or creative placemaking in the plan. 

The State Plan is designed to guide state policies and government actions.  If the arts can be recognized as an important asset for New Jersey in the State Plan, it will help artists, arts organizations, and communities that value the arts.

In March, ABC board members drafted a set of recommendations to the Office for Planning Advocacy, which is developing the plan.  We recommended that the state:

  *Commit to enhancing cultural assets in New Jersey as part of its long-term vision for the state
  *Recognize the wide range of value that arts brings to New Jersey -- in particular the widespread economic benefit of the arts
   *Identify opportunities for cultivating arts and culture as part of its efforts to increase tourism.

Read the full text of ABC's letter to the Office for Planning Advocacy

Arts Build Communities provides expertise in how the arts connect economic and community development.  We provide thought leadership on creative placemaking and promote creative placemaking as a cost-effective approach for community, cultural and economic development.

Director, Arts Build Communities 


Amy May 7, 2012 at 10:09 PM  

I support your advocacy in community development. Regarding the letter, please post an update about it, thanks in advance!

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